Technical Difficulties?

We interrupt our normal posting with this message.  We have changed our permalinks structure.  Looking at our logs, it came to our attention that we have been generating a few more Code 404 Errors than normal.  This is most likely due to our protocol of blogging everything on weekends, leaving it for the overnight Feedblitz service to pick it up for people who subscribe by email, then editing the dates of the posts to the “right” dates.  (We are a sequential couple, and prefer the posts’ dates to be a reflection of when the activity or photo actually took place – not when we had time to write about it.)  Editing the dates was changing the permalink.  While the Feedblitz subscribers were notified of new posts, the links provided were no longer working.  I think our new structure should take care of the issue.

Please let us know if you are getting any errors though.

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