Jul 10

Boston FIFA FanFest World Cup 2010 Final

All of our South Africa 2010 adventure posts have now been appropriately postdated – it has gotten tiring to write datelines for each post and as we continue to catch up to the present day – we’ll just post date the photos to the right day!

The 2010 World Cup Final between Spain and the Netherlands was just days after we returned to the States.  We carefully considered our options for the best venue to watch the Final and decided on Boston’s FanFest at the House of Blues.  Not only were our vuvuzelas allowed – they had some for sale there too!

We were really good at blowing our vuvuzelas.  It was obvious that we had authentic training.  We had a great time.  With our South Africa gear, “real” vuvulzalas, and awesome vuvuzela skills we met a South African who thought we, too, were from South Africa.  We enjoyed watching the game with a bunch of soccer fans and it helped to alleviate the sadness from the end of our vacation, but it did not compare to the awesome atmosphere of the games in South Africa.  Additionally, we were concerned for the soccer withdrawal Josh was certain to go through.  We  picked up some tickets for Football at Fenway as soon as possible to help mitigate the future depression.

It was a good game, but it looked as though the Dutch were outmatched from the start.

Lansdowne Street was full of fun revelers when we left the FanFest (but no Long Street).  As we walked home, we could hear vuvuzelas and followed the call over to the Christian Science Center Reflecting Pool!  It was full of Spanish fans and revelers – literally full.  They had jumped in the pool (some stripped to their knickers) and were singing Spanish football songs and doing fun dances.  It was a lot of fun!