Nov 10

Hot Boy Spa Day

Hot Boy Spa Day for Gary’s Birthday! (We heart Eva!)

Nov 10

Jeannette’s trip to Baltimore

Jeannette went to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health for work this week.  In addition to a super productive day long meeting, it was great to tour a bit of the buildings and see such a prestigious facility.

Nov 10

Technical Difficulties?

We interrupt our normal posting with this message.  We have changed our permalinks structure.  Looking at our logs, it came to our attention that we have been generating a few more Code 404 Errors than normal.  This is most likely due to our protocol of blogging everything on weekends, leaving it for the overnight Feedblitz service to pick it up for people who subscribe by email, then editing the dates of the posts to the “right” dates.  (We are a sequential couple, and prefer the posts’ dates to be a reflection of when the activity or photo actually took place – not when we had time to write about it.)  Editing the dates was changing the permalink.  While the Feedblitz subscribers were notified of new posts, the links provided were no longer working.  I think our new structure should take care of the issue.

Please let us know if you are getting any errors though.

Nov 10

Pumpkins, Flowers & Leaves

We’re pretty astonished at how well our flowers our doing this late in the fall.  Only our purple asters have died in the cold.  Also – the cold is preserving our pumpkins quite nicely!

Nov 10

W (OT) – Celtics (110) v Bulls (105)

We attended our second regular season Celtics game tonight and got to welcome ol’ Thibs and Scalabrine back to the Garden!  Everyone cheered so loudly when Thibs came out of the tunnel and walked to his bench and also for Scal’s moments too!  It was great.

Our night in bullets:

  • Jeannette was on her toes during pregame, trying to make sure she taped the whole “We welcomed back old friends” hype machine… they never played it (if memory serves, last game they played it towards the end of warm ups), but we captured a few other pregame moments.
  • The 3 season ticket holders next to us sold out in the worst way – they sold their tickets to Bulls fans. Luckily Jeannette was in the seat separating them from Josh – and we kept the camera protected in case any beers were going to be “accidentally” poured in their direction. They were “outspoken” for not being in their own house. It made the game a bit more adrenaline-filled than normal.
  • One positive from the above experience is that we found out that our seats are in a good section. Hecklers and good C’s fans abound! And no beers were poured – just verbal razzing (mostly clever) – thank goodness!
  • There were nice moments during timeouts to honor the return of Thibs and Scal, and then to honor Pierce‘s 20,000 point milestone.
  • Paul “singing”. ‘Nough said.
  • Baby has been super consistent these past 6 games (and preseason) but tonight it seems he could’ve used more resin on his hands… butter fingers. But even so: 15 points, 3 rebounds, 1 blocked shot, 1 steal, and at least 2 more drawn charges (up to at least 11 charges on the season)! That’s not bad for a not-so-hot night! We are LOVING BBD!
  • Quisy kept us in the game in the first half. He played the best maybe we have seen him as a C. In the first half he was the leading scorer for the team with 11 points and was 4-4 from the floor and 3-4 from the line!
  • And a fun stat of the night (from CelticsBlog.com):
  • The last time the Celtics won consecutive games at home in OT was January 25th and 28th, 1959. Beat Detroit 119-118, and St. Louis 120-111.

Ray getting ready:

Celtics entrance:

Player introductions, note the cheers for Thibs:

After that, the camera was put away – but during the first time out the Powers That Be re-purposed the video we were waiting for to commemorate the return of both Scal and Thibs.  So while we weren’t quick enough to capture it, it was pretty special, so here is someone else’s copy of it:

Starting the second quarter, Paul Pierce’s milestone of 20,000 points in a Celtics uni was honored:

A new favorite time out fan distraction (though normally they can be a nuisance to following the game) is “Name That Tune”.  Tonight it was the Captain “singing” a song he didn’t actually know the words to and made up his own lyrics to the tune (using the word “tune” liberally here).  Pretty awesome.  Even better – the fan got it right anyways.  The Truth and his air guitar:

We still haven’t been to a game won handily enough to see Gino, but they do play the music with the win!  Here is photo of Nate being interviewed after the game for Jeannette’s grandmother.

We were there, W (110-105, OT):