Nov 11

No More Sox Update

Oct 11

No More Sox

We had playoff tickets – but it turns out the sox won’t be there.  We are bummed but loved cheering on our team all season long.  Additionally, we discovered a new trick.  The first game of the season, we bought one of those ridiculously priced souvenir soda cups.  They are huge, but there is no way that they are worth the cost.  The lady selling soda reminded us they had free refills – which is kind of a joke because they are so big, you wouldn’t ever need a refill.  But then she said, just bring it to the next game and then you won’t have to pay.  We tried it out and they let us bring the empty cup back in to Fenway each game and we never paid for soda again for the rest of the season.  We feel quite pleased with ourselves, if you can’t tell.

Also, Jeannette kept all the checked bag tags on the bag she brought to each game.  It’s definitely time to take them off and wash the bag as it has been attacked by a malfunctioning ketchup squirter, sat in puddles of beer spilled by folks sitting behind us, and is full of peanut shell bits.   But the collecting tags was fun while it lasted.

Sep 11

Zinzinnati Oktoberfest

We celebrated Christmas with the Fiala’s a bit early this year.  We had Christmas at Oktoberfest in Cincinnati.  It was a great time with family and German beers and food and music.  We made great memories and loved seeing Thadd‘s place in the city.  We got to go to the Great American Ballpark and see the Red‘s play twice.  We went on a steamboat ride too! We loved the weiner dog races, as well as the barrel and beer stein races.  Jeannette also got to meet up with an old friend from MIT at the festival – it was the place to be! There was fun polka music and we would be remiss to not mention the great festival food again.  We had LOTS of strudel, brats with sauerkraut, and cream puffs.

We have video of every wiener dog race heat – they were super cute and funny – but here is just one and also some of the barrel and stein races too.

Sep 11

New favorite commercial

Sep 11

Red Sox Game 8 – L v Rangers – 0-10

Fiallen Red Sox Game 8

Tonight’s game was a stinker.  But we had a great time nonetheless.  Miller was pulled in the second!!  He had an awful outing.  We got to see Wakefield pitch in relief and he did great.   It was already 0-10 by the time he came in, and he stopped the bleeding.   The whole crowd was rooting for him.  There were a few times the chant “Let’s Go Wakefield!” rang out!  Youk was back after being on the DL for awhile.  We always enjoy watching him play.  And it turns out we there for the 700th sell out game in a row!