Our empty apartment – we LOVED this place! We had such a great little life here.
Apr 12
Moving Day 1 & Big IKEA trip (1?)
Mama Jan came out this week to see Jeannette’s pregnant belly and to help with the move. She boxed up the apartment while we worked this week – such an indispensable help! Today we moved all the boxes from the apartment to the nursery in the new place. We still have a bit to do: like move furniture and the kitchen stuff. But we completely filled a cargo-sized ZipVan (which was awesome, by the way). We had pretty good parking karma for the move too, so that was nice. After unloading the van, we went to IKEA to buy some furniture. We were lucky they were sold out of one of the box springs we need – there is no way it would’ve fit in the van! We’ll head to IKEA again soon, I’m sure, but hopefully it won’t be as big a haul next time. We unloaded the IKEA stuff at the condo, and Gary & Daniel were out and about and kind enough to stop by help us get the couch up the stairs. All in all, a super productive day! Josh was a super man, we couldn’t have done it without Mama Jan’s help, and G&D coming through in the clutch helped make the day a success!
Apr 12
Close to finished!
They were supposed to be be pretty much done by the end of the day today. They almost are! The biggest things are that we still need the toilet, washer/dryer, sink and sink cabinet installed. The bathroom and laundry closet tile work is all done though! It looks awesome. The rest of the work to be finished is just smaller punch list-type items. They cleaned up the front bedroom and the nursery for us to move stuff into this weekend.
- Shower surround tile finished
- Floor done and walls patched
- Laundry closet tiling done
- Blinds rehung
- Blinds rehung
- Pendant light hung
- Cleaned up and Fridge returned
- Sink faucet adjusted