Sep 11

Lake Compounce

We had an amazing Labor Day weekend. We took a day trip down to Connecticut with Gary and Daniel for some amusing fun at the world’s oldest continuously operating theme park, Lake Compounce! We had SO MUCH FUN! They have a water park (Jeannette’s favorite) and three roller coasters and all sorts of fun rides. Josh’s favorites were the roller coaster built on the side of a mountain that goes through the forest (Boulder Dash) and the free fall ride (Down Time). We did both of those rides multiple times thanks to getting to the park at opening time. Though, the lines were ridiculously short for most rides all day long – they were definitely nothing compared to Disney or 6 Flags. Daniel’s brother and his kids joined us and we had an amazing day. We would be remiss if we didn’t mention the yummy fried oreos and the free soda. That’s right, the park has cups and self-serve soda fountains all over the park! Love it!

After our awesome day at the park, we headed over to Daniel’s folks house and had a great family dinner in their garden, before heading back to Boston. What a day!