Jul 11

Rest of Newburyport

This post will detail our last day in Newburyport and also include photos taken from a non-phone camera of the first two days too.  Additionally, the last two “moblog” posts have been updated with relevant links (you know you wanted to know more about the plovers!)

We finished our Newburyport trip with a surprise Farmers’ Market find.  When we woke up in the morning, we checked out of the hotel and left our bag at the front desk so we could do a little more exploring.  We returned our bikes to the rental shop and found a Farmers’ Market had sprung up right next door!  We had a great local coffees and breakfast burritos and enjoyed looking at everything.  The highlight was most definitely cider mill donuts – just like fall in Michigan.  After heading back to the center of town, we took care of some people watching and some gelato before heading back to the train station to get home.  We had a great weekend.  Thank you again so much, Thadd and Shannon, for a fabulous graduation gift!

Jul 11

More Newburyport Anniversary

This morning we had breakfast at a great little diner – Angie’s Food. After a little antiquing, we rented bikes and rode out to Plum Island. At one end of the island, we laid on the beach for a little bit and walked along the water. We rode our bikes to the other end of Plum Island, stopping at the famous soap shop on the way. The other end of the island is a nature reserve (where the plovers are mating right now). We had a little picnic snack – Josh knows the way to Jeannette’s heart… French onion dip and ruffle-y chips. It was gorgeous day for a bike ride and the beach and the nature park. As we rode back towards town, we stopped at Bob Lobster’s for an early dinner of lobster rolls. The lobster rolls were amazing.

After getting cleaned up back at the Inn, we out for some shopping and had cappuccinos and a cannoli at Caffe di Siena. We had drinks and dessert at The Grog before heading back to the Inn where we had a bottle of wine from Groot Constantia on ice. We brought the bottle back with us from our trip to South Africa. One year ago today, we were celebrating our 5 year anniversary with brunch on the Groot Constantia winery estate and dinner on Cape Town’s waterfront.

The last 6 years have been awesome. Here’s to another 60!














Jul 11

Newburyport Anniversary

We took the train to Newburyport to celebrate our 6th anniversary. We are using a graduation gift from Shannon and Thadd to stay at the Essex Street Inn. The train goes right from Boston to Newburyport – it is awesome we walked a bike path to get to the waterfront from the station. It didn’t take long at all! The inn is right downtown and super cute. We got dinner at Rockfish, drinks at The Port Tavern and ice cream at Gram’s Homemade Ice Cream Shop.