Jun 11

Hartford Layover

Em and Ryan flew threw town and we got to have a great little visit for the day! Loved it!

Jun 11

USA v Spain Soccer Match

We rented a ZipCar and headed down to Foxboro to watch the World Champion Spanish team play the USA soccer team.  It was a friendly and, as the Gold Cup starts in a few days, it became apparent the USA Powers That Be decided to use the opportunity to throw the USA younguns in to the big dogs and see who could play the big boys.  And the answer was… none of them.  The first half was pathetic.  Luckily for the record attending crowd (largest crowd in New England for a soccer match) they subbed in Clint Dempsey and Bradley and all the old seasoned pros at the half.  It was fun seeing Tim Howard and Dempsey and Altidore and Guch and the Spanish team though.  (Donovan was a no show.)  The game itself was a 4-0 rout.  But we enjoyed seeing a world class soccer players playing at Gillette.  Our seats were amazing!  Row 2 – right next to Taylor Twellmen and Alexi Lalas!  The American Outlaws section was also right next to us – and they are lots of fun!