May 11

Round 2 L – Celtics v Heat (90-98)

Fiallen Game 23

After watching Wade break Rondo previously, we no longer held out much hope for our postseason, but we were prepared to go and be a part of a good Garden crowd one last time this season.  Turns out, we almost stole one more game from the Heat we had no reason winning. But by the final minutes, the Celtics had the loss, and we knew we had probably seen our last game this year – and maybe for two years if the NBA and the Players Association can’t sort out their issues. 

Also, Arroyo doesn’t understand Celtic ways. At halftime, during a playoff game, he was over chatting it up with his old teammates and shooting hoops on their side, warming up with them! Unbelievable. Ray Allen finally pulled him away – I only wish it was KG who corralled him. Unbelievable. Video of that below. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes.

We have new seats next season (whenever that will be), but we really enjoyed Section 330, seats 9 and 10 – especially our neighbors!  Go Celtics!

(The Heat finally changed their starting lineup.)