Nov 10

W – Celtics (110) v Raptors (101)

Our Celtics Game 5 was a W (110-101).

Our attended games are 4-1 and the Celtics are 12-4 total.

  • We saw Rondo return after missing 3 games due to a bad hammy, and get 14 assists.
  • We saw a TON of alley oops – it was pretty ridiculous.
  • The second unit couldn’t keep the huge leads the starters would build, but the starters were on top of it.
  • It was a pretty chippy game from where we were sitting – KG was running around the whole game with his arms in the air as if he wasn’t causing trouble – but trouble was all around.
  • We saw KG (Player of the Game) score his season high (so far, 16 games) of 26 points.
  • We ALSO got to see Ray Allen do Name That Tune – in falsetto!  Pretty awesome! (video below)

This is what happens under the Jumbotron during the intro video:  Dancers and Lucky on stilts with big foam hands.

Ray Allen’s awesomeness:

Player of the Game: KG

And check out KG’s season high 26 points (not to mention 11 rebounds)

Nov 10

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving keeping our tradition of joining Pastor John and Suzanne at their house for dinner.  (We brought Grandma Brown’s green bean casserole and Mama Judi’s Pumpkin Dessert!) We are thankful for our family and dear friends, health, our happy little life in our cute little apartment, our employment and our freedoms (and our sports teams, too!).

Nov 10

L – Celtics (84) v Thunder (89)

Our Celtics Game 4.

We saw our first loss (84-89) tonight, but that wasn’t the biggest bummer of the evening.

  • We didn’t get these tickets under our season ticket plan; we bought them separate and sat in a different section than normal. Needless to say, we really appreciate our regular seats, section, view and neighbors.
  • After not getting to see Wall play two nights ago, tonight Durant was out! That was a big bummer for us – he is our favorite non-Celtic.  But that wasn’t the biggest bummer of the evening either.
  • We got to see Nate do Name That Tune (video below!) he gets the dance moves in! Awesome – not a bummer! (The camera mic picks up our Drunky McDrunkerson neighbors though.)
  • And we saw the drunkies steal a phone from their seat neighbors, get caught, deny it, and then punch their female victim in the face.  It was a major bummer (the biggest of the evening).

Our view for tonight’s game:

Nov 10

W – Celtics (114) v Wizards (83)

Our Celtics Game 3.

We saw a shellacking of the Wizards – a fun win (114-83) but no Wall (that made us sad).

  • We saw Delonte‘s return!
  • We saw Rondo‘s 7th double-double of the season (in 11 games – he had 40 in the regular season last year)
  • We now know Grandpa Celtic’s birthday… It’s today!!!
  • We saw the first Gino appearance of the season!!!
  • We found out that Wizard’s Martin is a dingbat.  The Celtics were dribbling out the last few seconds to not be ruthless and increase the lead even more and he stole the ball with 2 seconds left – which gave us a funny picture shown below where the jumbotron folks too early showed the “Celtics win” sign before the game was really over… this isn’t so bad as an inaccurate Gino or anything, but still.

One of my favorite sights:

Delonte checks in for the first time (the sequel):

He got a rousing ovation!

Nate nails a 3 – check out the point spread!

The Big Three were just having a good time hanging out.

Grandpa Celtic’s Birthday!

A fun photo of the point spread – 37 points!

The first Gino appearance of the season!

Game’s not over yet folks! Still 2 seconds left! And Martin hit his free throws after he was fouled after the steal.

Real final score with Paul as Player of the Game.

Also another attempt at capturing the intro vid – there was a nice shot of Delonte in there tonight:

Nov 10

A great old friend came through town today!