Oct 10

Halloween Weekend

We went to Gary and Daniel’s to share our pony keg of Bell‘s Oberon and to carve our pumpkins.  Josh recreated his childhood friend, Mr. Gourdman – with a dangling eyeball innovation.  And Jeannette showed her Celtic’s Fandom with a Shaq-O’Lantern.  It was a multi-day effort.

Before we left Gary and Daniel’s house, Mr. Gourdman tried on a few different hats!

Jeannette had a bit more work to do.  Magellan helped.

Now we’ve got the starting 5 on the back side!

They glow!

We love that one eye dangles from its optic nerve!

These eyeballs are “18”s

With our awesome view:

And now with our brand new patio lights turned on.  We strung those this weekend too!