Oct 10

Halloween Weekend

We went to Gary and Daniel’s to share our pony keg of Bell‘s Oberon and to carve our pumpkins.  Josh recreated his childhood friend, Mr. Gourdman – with a dangling eyeball innovation.  And Jeannette showed her Celtic’s Fandom with a Shaq-O’Lantern.  It was a multi-day effort.

Before we left Gary and Daniel’s house, Mr. Gourdman tried on a few different hats!

Jeannette had a bit more work to do.  Magellan helped.

Now we’ve got the starting 5 on the back side!

They glow!

We love that one eye dangles from its optic nerve!

These eyeballs are “18”s

With our awesome view:

And now with our brand new patio lights turned on.  We strung those this weekend too!

Oct 10

W – Celtics (105) v Knicks (101)

Tonight was our first regular season attendance.  Some fun things we saw:

  • The new hype machine (didn’t quite get the first few seconds on the video – we’ll do better next game)
  • The new intros (Josh really misses KG‘s old yell)
  • Before the game Rondo received awards for leading the league in steals last year and for being 1st team All-Defense.
  • Rondo‘s career high assists (24).  This is second highest for a Celtics record (Cousy had 28).  See all 24 here.
  • Rondo had a triple-double 24-10-10, and the 24 assists are a NBA record in a triple-double (tied with Isiah Thomas (and his was in a 2OT game).
  • We saw Baby sing Tik Tok – it was amazing.  You too can enjoy it, here.
  • We saw The Captain bring down 14 boards (the first time since KG and Ray came to town).
  • A WIN! (105-101)

We love Grandpa Celtic!

And so do these guys! They dressed up as him for Halloween!!

Rondo getting his awards

We’ll get a full video next game – but this was good!

Our new intro:

The Garden was loud – the ticket holders in front of us sit there with their ears plugged. 🙂 Poor guys.

Despite letting the Knicks keep it close, the Captain had ice in his veins and closed it out.


And we did feel welcome!

Oct 10

TNKarving at Baker House

Tonight we revisited our old haunts and were the guest judges for the annual TNKarving at MIT‘s Baker House. We had a good time catching up with the House Masters and GRTs and talking with students.

Oct 10

Leaf Peeping From Our Porch

Oct 10

Let’s Go Celtics! Clap Clap ClapClapClap!

In honor of Celtic’s opening night, which we could not get tickets for without selling a kidney, our video from last year’s Playoff Hype Machine that we didn’t figure out how to get off our camera in time to post.