Jul 10

Red Sox v. Rangers

With the World Cup now over, we were at a bit of a loss.  We had never really gotten in to the swing of baseball this season with the World Cup ramping up and now that our soccer was over, it was hard to get into it mid-season.  We had a tickets to a few Sox games though, starting with the Rangers.  We had standing room only tickets, which worked out in our favor as it was a drizzly day and we captured a table just behind home base before everyone realized they needed to head for cover.  During the rain delay, we maintained control of our table and waited out the LONG delay.  Once the game started up again, there were a ton of empty seats, so we used the opportunity to walk the park and try out the views from all seats.  We enjoyed ourselves, but after all that watched a 4-8 loss (and saw the wrong team’s star hit a gram slam for the cycle).