Jul 10

Road Trip Recap

Sunday, June 27 to Thursday, July 1

Cape Town to Oudtshoorn to Addo to Cape Agulhas to Cape Town, RSA

via the Route 62 and the Garden Route

1848km, 1150 mi – Google maps calculates 26 hours of driving time

The map of our entire South African Road Trip Adventure:

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Jul 10

Road Trip Day 5: Driving back to Cape Town, Lasagna & Ben!

Thursday, July 1

Cape Agulhas, RSA to Cape Town, RSA (225km or 140mi)

After our great time at the southernmost tip of the continent, we spent a few minutes fiddling with the GPS (and with the analog maps) attempting to figure out if there was a connecting coastal route we could drive the whole way back to Cape Town.  Nothing seemed to work; the roads on the map didn’t appear to connect and they also weren’t named – just dashed lines.  So we decided not to chance it.  We gave Claire a call and her ma offered us a home-cooked meal for dinner!  That clinched it and our new goal was to find the quickest route home.  We took R316 through Napier (which was super cute) back up to the N2 and straight back to Cape Town.  The drive home took us less than 2 hours.  We had homemade lasagna with Claire, Richard and Carol.  It was delicious!  Thanks Carol!!  Somewhere along the route we had passed Ali going in the opposite direction, as he had driven to PE with friends for tomorrow’s game.  And other than the serious nature of Josh’s increasing soccer withdrawal, we were starting to recuperate from our colds.

The sunset almost caused many almost crashes:

Ben got tuckered out.  He was such a cuddlebug!

The drive back to Cape Town from Cape Agulhas:

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Jul 10

Road Trip Day 5: Cape Agulhas

Thursday, July 1

Cape Agulhas, RSA

We didn’t have a big plan for getting back to Cape Town, once we had completed the beautiful Garden Route.  That said, there was a big (to us) attraction between Mossel Bay and Cape Town.  Ever since we had been to the Cape of Good Hope, and really ever since we had realized it was within driving distance of Cape Town, we had wanted to get to Cape Agulhas.  This is the real southernmost tip of the African continent.  This was a pretty big deal to us, to get to the actual southernmost point, and Josh, being so enthralled with Prince Henry the Navigator as he was when he was a youngster – we felt the trip wouldn’t be complete without going.  Even if Prince Henry himself thought the Cape of Good Hope was the southernmost tip, if he knew what we knew today, he too would plug the coordinates into the GPS and head down there.  We made our way to Cape Agulhas (N2 through Swellendam, R319 through Bredasdorp to L’Agulhas).  We got to stand at the tip where the Indian Ocean is to the east and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.   It’s pretty remarkable to the think of the significance of a pinpoint geographical location and stand there taking it in.  We had a great time!

Back towards the lighthouse:

Josh the Navigator:

Looking south, only water and Antarctica in this direction:

Our 282km (175mi) drive from Mossel Bay to Cape Agulhas:

Jul 10

Road Trip Day 5: Knysna & Garden Route to Mossel Bay

Thursday, July 1

Knysna, RSA to Mossel Bay, RSA (113km or 70mi)

Our day got started early with breakfast being slipped through our door at 7:30am.  We enjoyed breakfast in bed, then headed down to Knysna‘s waterfront for some shopping and got some great souvenirs.  We hopped back on the N2 and were driving the Garden Route by 10:30am.  The Garden Route ends at Mossel Bay (wiki).  We stopped here to get a better look at the beaches and drive through the city a bit.  We wanted to pick up some coffees and happened on the ridiculously cute Fynbos Shoppe & Coffee Shop.  It was so cute that it was almost a shame to take our cappuccinos to go – but we wanted to see what else our South African Road Trip Adventure had in store for us… and we had a pretty good idea of what we wanted to do  next.

Knysna Waterfront (and the Drydock Food Co. from last nights awesome dinner):

Cute little shops at Knysna waterfront selling all sorts of arts & crafts, souvenirs and more:

This pub near Knysna’s waterfront reminded us of Josh’s folks’ favorite pub, Olde P, in Kalamazoo!

The drive in to Mossel Bay:

The edge of Mossel Bay:

The portion of today’s drive that finished the Garden Route:

The whole Garden Route, in context: