Jun 10

Blogging From Africa? Not So Much

Due to unforeseen issues with a newly refurbished Sprint Blackberry, we were unable to “moblog” like we did from our China trip.  We thought we also had a suitable backup in place with a FIFA-endorsed SIM card, but that turned out to be a struggle as well.  We quickly decided to just buy a cheap South African cell phone with prepaid minutes our first morning there.  This worked well for connecting with others in South Africa, but not so well for emailing posts to the blog.

Now, we think it might be fun to do the posts in a retrospective fashion.  This way, we can actually post the photos at the same time as we post our activities.  We’ll try to do it regularly, but we’ll see how real life interplays with this plan.

Originally posted July 7, 2010.  On September 26, 2010 this post, along with all subsequent posts regarding our South Africa Adventure 2010, were postdated to reflect the days they covered.

Jun 10

And we’re off!

We’re sitting in the Harpoon Brewery Taproom at Logan airport, just waiting until time to board. We are super excited! White UFOs for Team USA and the Celtics!

Jun 10

Blogging from Africa

We will be emailing posts from Josh’s blackberry like we did from China. If this intrigues you, please check back often. Pictures will be added to the posts when we return.

Jun 10

Master Becky’s Par-Tay!

Photos care of Mr. Allen – be sure to check out his new hobby and website: daveandjanallen.net.

Jun 10

Master Becky