Jun 10

Cape Town Day 2: Post Win

Wednesday, June 23

Cape Town, RSA

In all the excitement of Landon’s late goal and big win, we forgot the other fun we had celebrating! We took our celebration out to Long Street for a bit, then had a few drinks at Jo’burg Bar while we waited for our friends Claire and Alistair to come downtown. We met them at Salon 91 on Kloof for the Tretchikoff and Me exhibit opening where their friends were showing collections. We were starving and soon made our way to Hudsons for ostrich burgers and whiskey milkshakes (Jeannette) and lamb burgers and Jack Black beer (Josh) while we watched the Ghana-Germany game. Ghana lost, but would advance (dun dun dun). And thanks to good old Landon and Jack Black, tonight was Jeannette’s first foray driving on the left hand side of the road. It went quite well.

Jun 10

Cape Town Day 2: The Dubliner for USA Win!

Wednesday, June 23

Cape Town, RSA

It was the final game of the first round so there were two games on at the same time, and many places were showing the England game instead of the USA game.  We found a place on Long Street, The Dubliner, that was showing England-Slovenia on the first floor and USA-Algeria on the second floor.  It was fun to have camaraderie with other American soccer fans.  Everyone stood and sang the American National Anthem together at the beginning of the game.  It was pretty exciting because we knew we needed to score and we could hear the cheer from below when England scored first.  There were lots of USA fans gathered there and it erupted when Donovan scored his late goal for the win!  While the camera was protected, we were covered in beer by the end.  It was great, fabulous fun!

Jun 10

Cape Town Day 2: Downtown, Greenmarket Sq., St. George’s Mall, Company’s Gardens

Wednesday, June 23

Cape Town, RSA

After breakfast we drove downtown and explored ALL over.  We walked through Greenmarket Square (a flea market with nice cobbled streets), St. George’s Mall (a pedestrianized street full of traders and shops) and rested in the Company’s Gardens (a gorgeous landscaped city park).  We found street pies for a snack in one of the plazas and had samosas and curry pies.  By now we needed to figure out a good place to watch the USA game…

Long Street & The Mountains:

A Church near St. George’s Mall:

St. George’s Mall:

Greenmarket Square:

Company’s Garden:

Jun 10

Cape Town Day 2: Wynberg Village & Ben

Wednesday, June 23

Cape Town, RSA

We started the day off by going to breakfast and coffee with Claire and Carol at Orchid Cafe.  It is the cutest little cafe that shares space with a boutique, all florals and ruffles and cushions… and GREAT cappuccinos!  We walked around Wynberg Village, Claire and Alistair’s neighborhood, and got to meet their new puppy Ben Franklin.

Wynberg Village:


Jun 10

The Pool House

Tuesday, June 22 to Sunday, June 27 and Thursday, July 1 to Monday, July 5

Cape Town, RSA

We were welcomed to Cape Town with open arms and amazing hospitality, thanks to Richard and Carol – Claire’s parents.  They opened up their home to us and shared their pool house with us, not to mention Fritz (their fabulous computerized coffee maker), their puppy Zooey and great late night chats over tea and toast recapping the days’ adventures and soccer games.

We only thought to get a few photos of the lovely room we stayed in, but it was so wonderful to stay there and to have a little Cape Town “family” just down the walk.