Jun 10

Gerald Wogan Lecture – Aflatoxin: The First Fifty Years

Jun 10

NBA Finals, Game 3: Celtics v Lakers

(91-84) L

We were displeased.

Lakers now up 2-1 in the series.

On a personal note, the 9pm start time is brutal for getting home after the game at a reasonable time to get to bed to be able to work properly the next day.  We rode our bikes to the game as it cuts our commute drastically.  But this definitely takes away from our “digest time”.  Normally we walk home.  This walk either lets us feast on the glory and come down from the high of a good win – or lets us sit (read: walk) and stew and analyze each play where it all wrong.  By the time we get home we have calmed down enough from either the loss or the win to be able to sleep.  Biking home does not allow this, we get home too quick, we don’t talk while we bike, and biking only brings your adrenaline and senses up – not down.  Sleep didn’t come easy after Game 3.

Sane people keep reminding us it is a 7 game series.