Jun 10

Hanging With Liam

A good portion of the day, Jeannette got to hang out with her best friend’s little guy, Liam. It was pretty awesome. Liam is wicked smart. Here he showing off his tattoos and muscles… along with his love for corn dogs.

Jun 10

Sweeping Chimneys

Jeannette was also lucky enough to be back in Seattle at the right time to catch a Dance Rehearsal for her old Academy and to see Becky perform. It was fun seeing the hubbub and craziness of rehearsal again, kids running around like mad, and the general chaos.

Jun 10

Meeting Simon

Simon was born 5 days ago – just in time for Jeannette to meet him on her trip to Seattle! It was great being able to see our old friends, Amy & Joe, even if only for a bit.

Jun 10

Grandparents & Fritz & Their View

Jeannette made a quick trip out to Seattle to see Becky’s commencement for her MBA (yay Becky!). It was gorgeous Saturday, The Mountain was out (our grandparents’ have an amazing view).