May 10

Eastern Conference Finals, Game 3: Celtics v Magic

We just saw an amazing win (94-71) tonight.

Before some of our pictures – mostly a super charged hype machine full of quotes dogging the Celtics – here is what will be most remembered from Game 3:

We witnessed what may end up being the play of the playoffs. It will definitely be in the Celtics’ highlight reel for decades to come.

It was an amazing night to be in the Garden.

And onto pictures of some warm ups and a shot of their super star…

And the hype machine:

And Paul Pierce’s quotes from the end of Game 2, wanted the crowd to be crazy (which we were!).

And so the Boston portion of the series began:

Score after the 1st quarter:

Score after the 2nd quarter:

Score after the 3rd quarter:

GINO!!!! (With 5 1/2 minutes left to play!) AND Wes Welker got up did the Gino dance!  This is after previously being shown on the Jumbotron, standing and waving for the fans, THEN running in place and doing some jukes, showing the progress on his surgically repaired knee.  So awesome.  Wes doing the full on Gino dance was the icing on the cake!


May 10

Round 2, Game 4: Celtics v Cavs

Holy Cannoli.

29 points, 18 rebounds, 13 assists for Rajon.   His 4th playoff triple-double. He has 1 more than Bill Russell now!

The Garden was wicked loud.  KG repeated part of his pre-game ritual at half-time, I think it helped: a 97-87 win.

Tonight Rondo showed his hand.  He had his triple-double before the 4th quarter even started! The crowd was chanting M-V-P for Rondo at the end of the game during his freethrows – and that is new!  It was awesome, made even better because it was in LeBron’s face. There was a girl with an awesome caricature of LBJ with a tear running down his face that the Jumbotron would show every time he would complain to the refs (a billion times over the course of 48+ minutes)  – and towards the end of the game it was joined with a sign that said “A King Without A Ring”. It was awesome. Have I said it was awesome?

Also awesome, care of the Jumbotron folks: after every foul LeBron committed (that got called, that is) he would complain for a bit, and then while lining up for the FT, he would stand and look up and wait for the replay on the Jumbotron, but the Jumbotron guys would only show Lebron in real time staring up, obviously waiting for the replay. He would look down, then look up, look down, then look up, over and over. It was great.

We didn’t bring the nice camera tonight, so just crappy camera phone photos for tonight – but thank goodness we didn’t because someone spilled beer and our bag got soaked.

We did get fun little mini foam fingers!  They even have tiny little finger slots.  Super cute.

May 10

Round 2, Game 3: Celtics v Cavs

When you go to so many games, you get to witness history.

We saw Game 5 of the 2008 ALCS.  “The comeback of the Red Sox from a seven-run deficit is the second-biggest in postseason history, the largest since Game 4 of the 1929 World Series, and the largest ever for a team on the brink of elimination.” (Thanks Wikipedia)

We saw Rondo pass Cousy for the most assists in a season (Celtics record).

OK, I’m struggling to finish this post – (I just want to move on and forget this game already) so maybe I’ll come back and fill in the other random history we’ve witnessed at a later date.

But tonight we witnessed the worst playoff home loss in Celtics history.  (124-95).  It was brutal.  No defense.  And LeBron put on a Try-Out performance for Jay-Z’s team, as he was in attendance with Beyonce – dressed like it was a Lakers game.  Blech.

We thought we still had chance here (at tip-off):

Jay-Z and Beyonce for LeBron’s try out:

A little reminder to us that we have had it good:

It’s sad when a highlight of the night is getting to see our old friend Leon play… for the other team… in garbage time.  🙁

May 10

Walk For Hunger – Miles 120 to 140

The Walk For Hunger Runs on Dunkin:

Registered and Raring to go:

Cheers icon passed in first mile:

Mile 1 – This was the last correct mile marker:

Citgo icon on the route:

The Walk skirts around Fenway:

Coolidge Corner Style 1:

Coolidge Corner Style 2:

These signs were everywhere all weekend due to the water emergency:

Mile 5 – Someone actually edited this sign:

Chestnut Hill Reservoir:

Mile 9:

Mile 10 – halfway point!!! This was sooo weird.  First time in 7 years we saw the markers screwed up:

Party House right before Lunch Stop where they offered us beer last year! Haha!

Lunch at Daly Field with bands and a short rest:

A fancy new boathouse at Daly Field:

Mile 11 – MORE than 1/2 way there:

Mile 13:

Look at the birdie! He sang too!

Josh in the tunnel:

Mile 14 – walking home along the Charles:

Our little platoon walking along the Muddy:

A Mem Drive icon, in reverse:

Doing the whole walk in full gear!

Citgo sign again, from across the river – we’re almost home!

See that Mile 19 sign?  Across the road?  I think the marker is right – it is not on the walk route though…

The Swan Boats in the Public Garden!

Almost there!

And we made it!!!

We did it!  20 more miles.  And you did it! Together, the Fiala friends & family raised $1300 to fight hunger.  Thank you so much for rallying together with us in our efforts.  And our team raised over $6750!

“The opposite of hungry isn’t full; the opposite of hungry is healthy.”  -Ellen Parker

Because of your kindness we made our goal raising $1000 to fight hunger.

As most of you are aware, fighting the hunger problem in America is an effort we have chosen to support every year and one we believe is an important way we can actively participate in bettering our community.

As the state’s leading antihunger organization, Project Bread is dedicated to alleviating, preventing, and ultimately ending hunger in Massachusetts. In addition to organizing the annual Walk for Hunger and supporting emergency food programs statewide, Project Bread also advocates systematic solutions that prevent hunger in children and that provide food to families in everyday settings.

Your donation went a long way!

  • $20 provides 40 people at a soup kitchen with a bowl of hot soup and a sandwich.
  • $100 provides a week’s supply of groceries for five families.
  • $500 allows a community health center to provide immediate food assistance to 25 hungry families. (We each raised $500)
  • $1000 permits a food pantry to give a week’s supply of groceries to 50 families in need. (The Fiala total goal)

Project Bread fights hunger and advocates change in the community in which we live. It is an organization we believe in and choose to support year after year. We thank you for your support and solidarity in fighting hunger.

To everyone who supports the fight against hunger,

Thank you,
Jeannette and Josh