May 10

Eastern Conference Finals CHAMPIONS, Game 6: Celtics v Magic

We didn’t originally plan to attend this game, but after watching the stinker of Game 4 at the Garden and the atrociousness of Game 5 from our couch – we wanted to be back at the Garden for Game 6 and be as loud as we could (who knows if it really helps), to feel like we did our part to help the Celtics.  But we did NOT want to see the C’s lose the series after going up 3-0.   Thankfully, we saw an awesome W (96-84).

Since these weren’t a part of our playoff package tickets we were in different seats.  They were up against the wall – and surprisingly awesome!  Our two seats were right at the end of the stair – no chairs in front of us – so we didn’t have people walking in front of us to get in or out of a row.  In addition, we were able to stand for the entire game (which was preferable for an exciting playoff game like this) and didn’t have to worry about blocking the view of people behind us.  It was awesome.

We only brought the phone camera this game – so the photos aren’t so great, but here is the view down our stairs:

The media crush as the Celtics win and the Eastern Conference Championship trophy is awarded (you can still see Gino in the first photo):

Jeannette’s new shirt for Ray Allen:


We went out and celebrated.  The evening ended in a park eating McD’s with a statue.