May 10

Wes Welker at ECF Game 3

Somebody got video! YAY!

May 10

Eastern Conference Finals, Game 3: Celtics v Magic

We just saw an amazing win (94-71) tonight.

Before some of our pictures – mostly a super charged hype machine full of quotes dogging the Celtics – here is what will be most remembered from Game 3:

We witnessed what may end up being the play of the playoffs. It will definitely be in the Celtics’ highlight reel for decades to come.

It was an amazing night to be in the Garden.

And onto pictures of some warm ups and a shot of their super star…

And the hype machine:

And Paul Pierce’s quotes from the end of Game 2, wanted the crowd to be crazy (which we were!).

And so the Boston portion of the series began:

Score after the 1st quarter:

Score after the 2nd quarter:

Score after the 3rd quarter:

GINO!!!! (With 5 1/2 minutes left to play!) AND Wes Welker got up did the Gino dance!  This is after previously being shown on the Jumbotron, standing and waving for the fans, THEN running in place and doing some jukes, showing the progress on his surgically repaired knee.  So awesome.  Wes doing the full on Gino dance was the icing on the cake!