May 10

Round 2, Game 4: Celtics v Cavs

Holy Cannoli.

29 points, 18 rebounds, 13 assists for Rajon.   His 4th playoff triple-double. He has 1 more than Bill Russell now!

The Garden was wicked loud.  KG repeated part of his pre-game ritual at half-time, I think it helped: a 97-87 win.

Tonight Rondo showed his hand.  He had his triple-double before the 4th quarter even started! The crowd was chanting M-V-P for Rondo at the end of the game during his freethrows – and that is new!  It was awesome, made even better because it was in LeBron’s face. There was a girl with an awesome caricature of LBJ with a tear running down his face that the Jumbotron would show every time he would complain to the refs (a billion times over the course of 48+ minutes)  – and towards the end of the game it was joined with a sign that said “A King Without A Ring”. It was awesome. Have I said it was awesome?

Also awesome, care of the Jumbotron folks: after every foul LeBron committed (that got called, that is) he would complain for a bit, and then while lining up for the FT, he would stand and look up and wait for the replay on the Jumbotron, but the Jumbotron guys would only show Lebron in real time staring up, obviously waiting for the replay. He would look down, then look up, look down, then look up, over and over. It was great.

We didn’t bring the nice camera tonight, so just crappy camera phone photos for tonight – but thank goodness we didn’t because someone spilled beer and our bag got soaked.

We did get fun little mini foam fingers!  They even have tiny little finger slots.  Super cute.