Apr 10

Celtics v Rockets & A Gathering of Gs

This was our 11th game of the season. And a tough loss (119-114) especially since it was such a huge game for Rondo tonight.  He passed Celtic’s great Cousy for franchise record assists in a season AND he played an awesome game tonight (5 rebounds, 10 assists, 23 points, 5 steals).

So we had bought tickets for this game before the season started.  Then, our friend came out to celebrate his pre-weddedness  by gathering his boys together for a Celtics game and this game ended up being the night.  The boys got a luxury box that ended up being right across from our original seats and Jeannette and her friend took some paparazzi shots across the court of the guys night out.   It was a fun night, despite the loss.

And yay Rondo!

More pics after the jump.

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