Mar 10

Dad Allen’s Retirement Party

We flew back to Seattle to surprise Dad for his retirement party.  Only Ma knew.  So we also got to surprise Becky, Grandpa, GrandDad, Grandma, Uncle Bob and Aunt Dee!  We had great fun!  We actually needed a place to rest our tired bodies and party prep after we sat on the tarmac that morning for 3 hours (pilot slept through his alarm) so we went to Grandma and GrandDad’s before the grand unveiling at the party and surprised them and Aunt Dee early at the house.

Check out more photos after the jump!

And check out my pop’s new hobby: http://www.daveandjanallen.net/

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Mar 10

We made it!

Tooling around Seattle before the big surprise!  A few iPhone pics from the car:

Josh taking on his nemesis again (a dastardly hill that beat him a few years ago):

Josh’s first trip to Dick’s, a fabulous Seattle institution.

Mar 10

Celtics v Pacers AKA Dropkick Murphys

Well, our Win Attendance Percentage was dinged tonight by fielder’s choice.  We had tickets to the Celtics game tonight versus the Pacers, which they ended up winning (122-103).  BUT, we also had tickets see the Dropkick Murphys!  These tickets were fairly hard to get, especially so close to St. Patty’s Day and IN Boston!  The concert was super super SUPER fun.  They really get your blood pumping and get everyone riled up with excitement.  I had goosebumps hearing them play!  We really enjoyed it – worth the WAP ding.

As a sidenote, with the Celtics playing so poorly, we couldn’t find ANYONE who to buy the tickets off of us even at a loss.  Our other Celtics-loving friends all had plans, and no one else was interested in a team who loses at home.  So on the way to the show, we stopped off at our new favorite neighborhood bar, Wally’s, and asked if anyone was interested in free tickets (the game started in less than an hour).  One of the bartenders wanted them and was SUPER excited to go – a big C’s fan.  We figured if there was anybody to get in good with, it sure can’t hurt to make nice with the bartender at your new favorite hangout!

Mar 10

Jay-Z at the Garden (our Garden, not his)

We had awesome seats for Jay-Z‘s show.  We would love to have these seats for Celtics games!  We didn’t love the opening DJ.  And though we had heard good things about Trey Songz, we didn’t love (or like) him either.  But Jay-Z and Young Jeezy were absolutely awesome. It was a really fun show.

Our great view – the iPhone camera doesn’t capture it so well, but it was awesome!

All the lighters and cell phones: