Making the bed

Making the bed led to finally trying another arrangement of furniture in the bedroom. These are some “before” shots (well the bed has already been moved).


  1. You two have a lot of stuff.

  2. Hey now! As a couple made of a minimalist and someone who enjoys her husband’s minimalist tendency that hurts. Remember, we are two people trying to live in 650 square feet where a good portion of that square feet is taken up by unusable stairwell space and roof deck. We have no garage, no other other storage space. The stuff that remains in the bedroom is either a project that we don’t want to stuff in the back of a closet (because then it won’t get done), going to going to Goodwill, or hasn’t found a home yet. Like we’ve been saying, we haven’t figured out the bedroom yet. I can guarantee you, though, that when all is said and done, our “a lot of stuff” will not be scattered about or clutter-y. It’s just taking awhile with all the late work nights on weekdays and then wanting to have a bit of fun on weekends mixed in with all the apartment setup.