Progress Update

We spent the rest of the weekend cleaning decades of grime out of the oven and oven drawer, setting up our internet and wireless router after the cable guy came, setting up the sound system, unpacking more boxes, rearranging furniture a bit more, recycling a few trees worth of brand new cardboard boxes because we couldn’t find anyone who needed them, putting together the kitchen table, and washing a few more window sills of packed in dirt.

We also checked out the SOWA open market. It is a little less farmer and a little more artisan. BUT there is a super cool antique market in the trolley garage. Too bad we needed produce and not antiques.

We still have more unpacking. We are waiting on a cupboard (Thanks Mom and Dad!!!) to arrive so we can unpack more kitchen stuff, and hopefully locate our dish soap in the process. We also have new chairs! (Thanks Mom and Dad!!!) Photos of chairs and progress made to come!


  1. Thanks for all the news and pics. It has sated me for a short while. Keep them coming!

  2. Kimberly Smith

    So excited for your new place!!

  3. We’ll take more pictures this weekend – after we make some more progress! 🙂