Dec 09

Christmas Eve

This was our first Christmas holiday not spent with our families.  We’ve missed our families dearly and been conscious of not having them nearby.  As a part of keeping our spirits up, we have been really deliberate with thinking about our first Christmas doing our own married couple thing, getting to start our own traditions.  So while we are missing all our family and friends back in the Midwest and Northwest and San Francisco, we are enjoying our first solo married couple Christmas too.

We began our tradition-making with Josh wrapping his last minute gifts that arrived today while we drank Starry Nights and watched White Christmas.  We also opened presents with our Fiala half of the Fiallen family over Skype!  George, Judi, Shannon and Thadd are in California for Christmas.  It was great to be able to see their faces and exchange gifts with them “in person” even though we couldn’t be there with them.

More pictures of our Tree and our Skyping follow the jump!

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