Oct 09

Celtics v. Bulls

We won!  Again!  We’re 3-0!


Our seats were A-MAZ-ING.  Thank you again, Charles & Lauren!

We are absolutely loving our Week of Celtics as the season begins.  We are spoiled with getting to go to the first three home games of the season.  We are getting spoiled with the wins.  We are getting spoiled with Rondo’s assists, KG’s intact knees, Ray & his points, Perk taking Shaq, Sheed raining 3’s, the bench rounding out the team and stepping up, and Paul captain-ing this whole crazy good train – and getting to see this all from the Garden.  We are loving it.

And, one more QikVideo just to show how great the seats were… the iPhone camera still can’t catch the Jumbotron doing bright green lights in the dark, but look how big it is when you are sitting at half-court!

Oct 09

Celtics v. Bobcats

Our 1st Celtics home game.

Versus the Charlotte Bobcats.

We won.


So I took some iPhone videos last night of the super cool hype machine. I know they are ghetto, but you don’t have to watch them! I want to learn how to post video to the blog. I’ll try to google around and find a YouTube clip that is much better than what I have.

The Jumbotron/Hype/PR people started VERY early in the night – introducing the Celtics before they came out to warm up with with a really cool montage of all the banners & playoffs won before. It was sad because it almost felt wasted, as most people weren’t there yet trying to come from work (as evidenced by the still green t-shirted, empty seats. The montage has old Celtic legends and great quotations.

I apologize in advance for the very loud WOO girls sitting behind us (and DO check out that YouTube video if you are in of a definition of a WOO girl). They were incredibly annoying. And they were mostly there to discuss Kevin Garnett’s hotness. And only one of the girls knew which player Kevin Garnett was.

“What did we do this summer?”

“We reloaded!”

(Also, at the end of this one, is where they announce the team… You can hear that BBD doesn’t get a very loud cheer. I distinctly remember hearing boos, but the video didn’t pick that up. Some articles said it was awkwardly silent during his name call.)

And The Captain says Thanks to the Best Crowd in All of Sports and wants to hang another banner.

** Red’s Army has way better zoom on their “iPhone camera” not to mention way better access. Here is their YouTube video for both the team announcement and Paul’s Speech.

Oct 09

Home opener giveaways

For the record the Garden’s seats are yellow! I came early to posters at the door and a green tee covering each seat!!! It looks awesome. The iPhone camera doesn’t do it justice, but here they are!

Oct 09

Our Fridge of Celtics Tickets!

And that’s not showing the ones we already used for the preseason game & practice!

Oct 09

More OvenProof…

Pizza with Chevre goat cheese, artichoke hearts, olives and lots of spinach.