Jul 09

From Cantabrigians to Bostonians

Living room

Living room

The final move. We no longer are of two minds, of two abodes. We reside on one side of the river instead of trying to straddle it. The last two and a half weeks were difficult in some ways. But it was nice to have a bit of time to negotiate the entire move. Speaking of negotiating… The movers had a tough time negotiating an argument between the wall and our couch in the front stairwell, and negotiating another argument between a different wall and our box spring in the back stairwell. But they were able to help us keep all our furniture. Now it is our job to find a place to put it all. Sorry for the poor lighting in some of the pictures, but we don’t have all our lamps up and running yet, and my phone camera is – a phone camera. Very convenient though.  The pictures follow the jump.  Continue reading →

Jul 09

Baker House Packed

And we’re done packing… It’s so sad to see our beloved apartment all empty. But we are also so excited about our new place and our new neighborhood… Not as excited about the amount of cleaning we keep finding to do, and figuring out how much of our stuff will fit! But super excited nonetheless.

Jul 09

Happy 4th from Baker House!

Our last Fourth of July celebration while living in Baker House. A great view. We will miss it & our Baker family even more.

Jul 09

Four Years Married!

We’re trying to go with the “Traditional” Anniversary List… This year we got a little side tracked – at least according to Wikipedia :  Wedding Anniversary.  Somewhere along the way, we got it in our minds that this Year 4 was the Fruit and Flower anniversary, which it is – in the UK.  In the US it is the Linen or Silk Anniversary.  Needless to say, we got ourselves a watering can from a local antique store to water our herb garden and plants on our new roof deck.  We figured that was Fruit and Flower enough.  Definitely not Silk or Linen, though.  Oh well!  This year we’re feeling British, I guess.  Haha.

Fruit & Flower Anniversary?  Maybe in the UK.  In JFJ-land it means Antique-ish Watering Can!

Fruit & Flower Anniversary? Maybe in the UK. In JFJ-land it means Antique-ish Watering Can!

Four Years Married!

Four Years Married!