Jul 09

Making the liquor cabinet & more progress

This weekend we made our new liquor cabinet that Jeannette has wanted for a long time. The reviews said it was difficult to put together and they weren’t lying. It wasn’t a matter of following the 10 page book of directions, but figuring out how to make your own directions when the book didn’t work. It was a crazy long night. We started loading it up today (note: our skylight is a little bright in some of the pictures).

We moved the bikes and bike rack to the back stair to make room for the cabinet. We also managed to finish the kitchen and the eating area today (even managed to eat at the table today). We have to leave a stool and cardboard contraption blocking the bottom of the fridge from kitty paws. It’s like astro turf made of rodent poison under the fridge – which also attracts & kills kitties. So that’s another project for another day: moving the fridge and performing a strategic eradication of poison.

Another remaining project for the kitchen is to hang a spice rack on the wall by the sink (removing the massive spice clutter from the microwave). Jeannette still needs to recaulk the countertop too, maybe next weekend when Josh hangs blinds.

Enjoy the photos. We’ll take non-phone camera photos soon.

It’s really starting to feel like home! (And Jeannette LOVES her cabinet!)