Jul 09

From Cantabrigians to Bostonians

Living room

Living room

The final move. We no longer are of two minds, of two abodes. We reside on one side of the river instead of trying to straddle it. The last two and a half weeks were difficult in some ways. But it was nice to have a bit of time to negotiate the entire move. Speaking of negotiating… The movers had a tough time negotiating an argument between the wall and our couch in the front stairwell, and negotiating another argument between a different wall and our box spring in the back stairwell. But they were able to help us keep all our furniture. Now it is our job to find a place to put it all. Sorry for the poor lighting in some of the pictures, but we don’t have all our lamps up and running yet, and my phone camera is – a phone camera. Very convenient though.  The pictures follow the jump.  Continue reading →