Jul 09

Four Years Married!

We’re trying to go with the “Traditional” Anniversary List… This year we got a little side tracked – at least according to Wikipedia :  Wedding Anniversary.  Somewhere along the way, we got it in our minds that this Year 4 was the Fruit and Flower anniversary, which it is – in the UK.  In the US it is the Linen or Silk Anniversary.  Needless to say, we got ourselves a watering can from a local antique store to water our herb garden and plants on our new roof deck.  We figured that was Fruit and Flower enough.  Definitely not Silk or Linen, though.  Oh well!  This year we’re feeling British, I guess.  Haha.

Fruit & Flower Anniversary?  Maybe in the UK.  In JFJ-land it means Antique-ish Watering Can!

Fruit & Flower Anniversary? Maybe in the UK. In JFJ-land it means Antique-ish Watering Can!

Four Years Married!

Four Years Married!