Jun 09

Cleanup Commenced

We spent the weekend cleaning windows, window sills, radiators, changing outlet covers, scraping paint drops from everywhere, replacing the screen door, removing defunct brackets and nails and screws for things that no longer exist, measuring for blinds, removing moldy caulking, chiseling packed dirt & grime from window locks & seals (& are wondering if now this will negatively impact our heating bill come winter), and cleaning dead bugs out of light fixtures & cupboards. We feel pretty darn productive. We also moved our two HUGE leather chairs (only chairs we own) over in a Zipcar, along with some cold beers.  Now we have a place to sit and relax after a hard day’s work. We do need to get a little more light in the bedroom – our one lonely lamp so far doesn’t cut it. We still LOVE the view from our little roof deck.