Guilin to Yangshuo

Tuesday, July 22nd Today we got up early for our big river cruise down the Li. The cruise was amazing. Just wait until you see the pictures (many posted after the jump, and we have exponentially more if you ever want to see them)! It also completed the range of every possible form of travel city to city in China for us. The cruise ended about 4 hours down river, through the karst peaks, in a much smaller town, Yangshuo. By the way, Chinese refer to Guilin as a small city; it is a city of about 5 million. Yangshou is about 600,000 (miniscule by China’s standard) and honestly has a real small town feel.

Once we got off the boat, we checked into our hotel, walked around the town, climbed a path to a mountain peak with viewing pavilions, shopped on the street, had another great dinner (Cloud 9) and now we are relaxing at an outdoor bar (Bar 98) under a ceiling fan trying to stay cool even at 10pm in the dark, writing run-on sentences because typing and punctuation may make us sweat.

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  1. Holy WOW. The Li River looks like something out of a fantasy movie.

  2. did you see elephant trunk hill???