9th Walk For Hunger

In addition to moving this weekend, and catching a Red Sox game, we did our 9th Walk for Hunger.  Jeannette was only able to make 10 of the 20 miles this year.  Josh graciously said that since Jeannette was walking the baby this year, her miles counted double.

We very much appreciate the support of all our friends and family.  Here is a copy of our Thank You note we sent everyone.

Dear Friends and Family,

We want to send our sincerest thanks for your support this year (and past years) of our efforts to raise both awareness of the hunger issues in our neighborhoods and the funds to support the fight against hunger.  This was our 9th walk (180 miles) with Project Bread and The Walk For Hunger.

Thank you for helping us raise over $1,300 in an effort to affect positive and systemic change to prevent hunger.  We walked as a part of our church team this year, and as a team we raised over $25,000.  This year, 43,000 people joined together to raise $3.6 million to provide food for 448 emergency food programs in our cities and towns.  These funds will provide a hot meal or a bag of groceries for hungry families next winter.

Project Bread advocates change in our community and, while feeding the hungry now, attempts to implement changes to END hunger for the future.  It is an organization we believe in and have chosen to support for the last nine years.  We cannot express how grateful we are for your generosity and support in helping us strive for change in our community.

Thanks again for your support of our efforts!!

Josh, Jeannette & Our Future Walker(due August 21st)

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