Celtics v. Bulls

We won!  Again!  We’re 3-0!


Our seats were A-MAZ-ING.  Thank you again, Charles & Lauren!

We are absolutely loving our Week of Celtics as the season begins.  We are spoiled with getting to go to the first three home games of the season.  We are getting spoiled with the wins.  We are getting spoiled with Rondo’s assists, KG’s intact knees, Ray & his points, Perk taking Shaq, Sheed raining 3’s, the bench rounding out the team and stepping up, and Paul captain-ing this whole crazy good train – and getting to see this all from the Garden.  We are loving it.

And, one more QikVideo just to show how great the seats were… the iPhone camera still can’t catch the Jumbotron doing bright green lights in the dark, but look how big it is when you are sitting at half-court!

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  1. GINO! Those are really amazing seats. GO C’S!

  2. […] They’ve lost 4 of the 6.  Lucky for us, we attended their only 2 Friday night wins (Bulls and […]